Mr. Shashank will give a talk on high charge-to-spin interconversion in Sulphur implanted Platinum.
Mr. Mohan will give a talk on thickness dependent interfacial spin orbit torques in NiFe/Pt bilayers.
Paper Publication
Our article “Magnetoimpedance of Epitaxial Y3Fe5O12 (001) Thin Film in Low-Frequency Regime“, published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
Deka’s PhD defense
Angshuman Deka successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Magnetoelectric effects in ferromagnetic metal oxide junctions via modulation of interfacial magnetic anisotropy”.
Paper Publication
Our article “Modulation of Magnetization Precession Trajectories by Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in CoFeB Thin Film“, pulished in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
Paper Publication
Our article “Electric-field control of interfacial in-plane magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB/MgO junctions” pulished in Physical Review B.
sakura science (Amity University, University of Delhi)
We invited 3 students and 1 professor from Amity University (India), 3 students from University of Delhi (India), during 2020.1.21~2020.1.30 under SAKURA Exchange Program by JST. They had laboratry experience and Japanese culture. This was a good international exchange program for students of the three universities and Kyutech.
Paper publication
Our article “Simulation on the effect of magnetic anisotropy on switching of an easy cone magnetized free layer“, pulished in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
Invited talk @IWPSD2019
Prof. Fukuma will give a talk on “toward voltage-driven spintronics devices”.
Sakura Science(Nanyang Technological University, University of Delhi, University of Rajshahi)
We invited 4 students from University of Delhi (India), 4 students and 1 professor from University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), and 2 students and 1 researcher and 1 professor Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) during 2019.11.19~2019.11.28 under SAKURA Exchange Program by JST. They had laboratry experience and Japanese culture. This was a good international exchange program for students of the three universities and Kyutech.