Our article “Interfacial Origin of Unconventional Spin-Orbit Torque in Py/IrMn3” published in Advanced Quantum Technologies.
Presentation @INTERMAG 2023
Dr Vashisht will give a talk on “Spin Hall effect in Se implanted Pt from extrinsic scattering“.
Mr Mohan will give a talk on “Modelling in-device inference and classification of binary digits using nonlinear dynamics of spin Hall oscillator“.
Paper publication
Our article “Evaluation of memory capacity and time series prediction using a spin Hall oscillator as reservoir” published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
Paper publication
Our article “Ferromagnetic resonance excited by interfacial microwave electric field: the role of current-induced torques” published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
Commencement Ceremony
Presentation @JSAP Spring Meeting 2023
Mr Tomoda will give a talk on “Spin Hall effect in P-implanted Pt layers“.
Mr Kusaba will give a talk on “Extrinsic spin hall effect in ion-implanted Pt layers“.
Presentation @APS March Meeitng
Mr Shashank will give a talk on “Unraveling the charge-to-spin conversion from 2DEGs at SrTiO3 based interfaces“.
Paper Publication
Our article “Anisotropy-assisted bias-free spin Hall nano-oscillator” published in Applied Physics Letters.
Paper Publication
Our article “Disentanglement of intrinsic and extrinsic side-jump scattering induced spin Hall effect in N-implanted Pt” published in Physical Review B.
Shashank’s PhD defence
Utkarsh Shashank successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Charge-to-spin conversion phenomena in ion-implanted Pt and quasi-two dimensional electron gas based heterostructures“.